Our God is really, really Big! He's bigger than you think He is. He is so big, that the Universe you see with the Hubble Space Telescope fits in the hollow of His hand.
I like that! Nothing is beyond His power. And what's more, the character of my God is even more impressive than His creation and power. Do you know why love is so cool and desirable? Because God is love. His character traits are all the things we desire in life, everything that is good and brings us joy and exhilaration. I love that!
This week at my church, we held the Leadership Event for our current building campaign (a cool building we will use to create environments for leading children into a growing relationship with Jesus). I have been really occupied with caring for my folks, and making a living...and this building thing in there too. Well, the leadership night almost sneaked up on me. But it was really cool. Before the event, I got to share with one of the deacons for about 45 minutes my passion about discipling people and how God uses intimate relationships (e.g. Community Group life!) to do that. Then the worship time was wonderful (I just missed my princess wife, who was home not feeling her best). And the dude who spoke was cool. And after the event, I got to spend nearly a couple hours with a new friend one-on-one, which was the coolest.
The next day I learned that the church, the Body of Christ in our little corner of the world, came through Big Time with the commitments made at the leadership event. Thank you, Jesus!
So, I sit this morning and remember, right now, that My God is REALLY, REALLY BIG! He can do whatever He wants to do. And He chooses to do His thing here on the earth through His servants, everyone who has put their faith and trust in the Son of God, Jesus the Christ!
I need God for Big Things in my life right now. How about you? YES! He is able to do so much more than I can imagine or even think. The scope of His work is enormous beyond my comprehension. For that I am thankful and praise My God through Jesus this morning.
All for His Fame! jack