That's a loaded word. Loaded with pain and anger, outcry and discouragement, loss and frustration.
It was the title of my talk just four short days ago. Do we really want everything to be fair? That's a fair question, don't you think?
What was the greatest unfairness ever? I say it was Jesus choosing the Cross, where the perfect, sinless Son of God would take on the sin, shame, failure, humiliation, punishment and death due to me, you and everyone else who would ever live. He took it and paid our debt in full.
So, in response, we, who have trusted Jesus and had Him pay for our unpayable debt, might live in light of this unbelievable Grace that God does for us in Jesus. We might be able to celebrate life in Jesus, even when life was unfair.
What I didn't figure is I would have to practice this in such a big way so soon...
Today I got some really bad news about a business thing. I was treated Unfairly in a big way. It's going to cost me. A lot.
So, will I celebrate Unfairness, having been the beneficiary of it in the most remarkable way through the Cross of Jesus?
Will you?
All for His Fame! paul
p.s. So I'm clear, God is into Justice and making things right, more than anyone! So I'm NOT saying it's no big deal for people to be mistreated. God said, " I'm in charge of vengeance and payback" in Deuteronomy 32:35. I have no doubt God will set all things straight. What I am saying is that our world is corrupted by sin, and we should not be surprised when unfairness crosses our path. I am encouraging us to respond in light of the Grace that God grants to those who are alive in Jesus.