It is difficult to maintain perspective. That is a basic element of the human condition - me centeredness. The good news is that God does not share our problem. He can see fully, even when we see only a poor reflection, like in a polished brass "mirror."
One difficulty in maintaining perspective is detail of remembering that I am only one of about 6 Billion People. I'm not the main one, nor a more important one. I am one.
The good news, is that because of what God has said about me in Jesus, I am an unbelievably valuable one. The even better news is that God has said the same thing about every one of the 6 billion of us.
My friend Louie Giglio (wasn't that fun to say...we've, like, shaken hands twice, though I feel very much like a friend) and the whole super hard working Passion team have set out on a World Tour. 17 dates on the five other continents (Antarctica will have to watch on DVD). Unreal. These are first class, free (or nearly free) events to declare the story of our God to the college age generations in these world cities. Complete with a full-tilt worship experience led by Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, David Crowder*Band or Charlie Hall (usually two, sometimes three of them) and I'm sure a super-cool talk by Louie and sometimes Francis Chan.
I am so humbled.
I'm so glad that God isn't like me. I am way to unable and usually unwilling to think a whole lot past me and mine. Sometimes my vision gets expanded, but it usually shrinks back soon enough.
Not so with our Marvelous God. He sees. He knows. He loves. And His love changes things. His love changed the universe, when His voice thundered out, "You, o' sinful man, are valuable to Me! I will send my Son, Jesus, to rescue you from sin and death, and give you a life worth living...forever!"
And thanks to God for moving the Passion team to go All Over the World declaring this awesome message. God has been using Louie & the Passion team to change me like you would not believe. Isn't it like God to use the passion in a handful of people to start a worldwide movement? Go Jesus!
You can play a part. The cost for this journey is about $7.5 million. Passion has arranged for $4 of that, but still has $3.5 million left for God to provide. I encourage you to go to www.268generation.com, www.268blog.com, and www.passionworldtour.com and check out this story further. If God prompts you to cheer on this movement, then click on there and GIVE.
It is All for His Fame!
And, it's All over the world*!
* Colossians 1:6 (New International Version) All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's grace in all its truth.
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